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Print Ready Design *You Supply the Finsih Design*


Please upload your High Resolution design file to the right. 

If File is too large to upload here; Please Email is to


We are not responible for customer supplied designs. We will print exacually what is uploaded. If you need any editing or custom work to your design, please order our *Design it for Me* listing.  



Each wrap is a 24.5" x 48.5" rectangle, designed to fit all standard game boards. There's a .25" bleed on all 4 sides for slight board size imperfections. The circle shown in the image is for hole placement purposes only and are not printed on the actual wrap; allowing for more flexibility during installation. Once the wrap has been applied to your board, you will need to cut the hole out.

Print Ready Design *You provide Design*

  • Please read the disclaimer and terms below, it is assumed that if you visit this site or order with Cornhole Connection then you have read and understood this disclaimer. 


    • Any items provided to Cornhole Connection (logos, text, images, etc) for use in a design project, illustration, and or a website is assumed to be the property of the customer or the customer has permission to use these items. Cornhole Connection will not be responsible or held liable for any copyright or trademark infringement or any other misuse of any item provided by the customer. The customer assumes ALL responsibility legal or otherwise for all items provided to the designer and of the final design approved.

    • It is the responsibility OF THE CUSTOMER to thoroughly review all work for any discrepancies. If the customer places an order the customer waives Cornhole Connection will not be held responsible for any problems that may show up in the final print during installation or by installing the product.


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